RGU Question Paper Zoology Semester VI 2021: Molecular Biology and Recombinant Technology

JUNE 2021

B. Sc. (VI Semester) Examination


Paper: ZOO/T6/363

(Molecular Biology and Recombinant Technology)

Full Marks : 80

Pass Marks : 35%

Time : Three Hours

Notes: (i) Answer all questions.

(ii) The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.

1. Answer all the following questions: 2x5= 10

(a) Write the composition of Ribosome.

(b) What is bt-Cotton?

(c) Name the initiating amino acid during translation in prokaryotes.

(d) What in lending strand and lagging strand during DNA replication.

(e) What is restriction endonuclease?

2. Write short notes on any four of the following: 5x4= 20

(a) Transcription termination in Prokaryotes.

(b) Differences between B-DNA and Z-DNA.

(c) Promoter characteristic in Prokaryotes gene structure.

(d) Structure of t-RNA.

(e) Genetic code.

(f) Importance of RNA primer during DNA replication.

3. Answer any five of the following. 10x5= 50

(a) What is gene cloning? Write about the procedure of gene cloning with a note on the role of marker gene.

(b) Write briefly about the mechanism of DNA replication in Prokaryotes with suitable illustration.

(c) What is GMO? Write briefly about the procedure of creating GMO and their importance in agriculture.

(d) Mention the initiation factors and elongation required during protein synthesis and their role in Prokaryote translation.

(e) “DNA in the genetic material” prove the statement with an experimental evidence.

(f) Write the mechanism of transcription in Prokaryotes with a suitable illustration.

(g) Write briefly about the regulation of lac operon with suitable diagram.


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