RGU Question Paper Political Science Semester VI 2020: Contemporary International Relations


BA (VI Semester) Examination


Paper : BPOL–610

( Contemporary International Relations )

Full Marks : 80

Pass Marks : 35%

Time : Three Hours

Note : 1. Answer all questions.

2. The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.


1. Answer any five of the following questions : 2×5=10

(a) What is polarity in international relations?

(b) Mention two features of globalization.

(c) What does NAM stand for?

(d) Mention two objectives of the World Trade Organization.

(e) Mention two types of migration.

(f) What is bipolarity?

(g) Write two important reasons for the formation of regional organization.


2. Answer any four of the following questions : 5×4=20

(a) What is unipolarity?

(b) Explain the major causes of the emergence of globalization.

(c) Discuss briefly the features of non-aligned foreign policy in international relations.

(d) Explain the principles of ASEAN.

(e) Highlight the negative impact of migration.

(f) Briefly discuss the impact of terrorism.

(g) Discuss the main causes of migration.


3. Answer any five of the following questions : 10×5=50

(a) Discuss the positive impacts of globalization.

(b) Explain the major causes for formation of NAM.

(c) Discuss the principles and main concerns of WTO.

(d) Explain the importance of NAM in international relations.

(e) What is migration? Discuss different types of migration.

(f) Discuss different types of terrorism.

(g) Discuss the importance of NAM in contemporary world.

(h) Discuss the various environmental challenges faced by the world in 21st Century.

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