RGU Question Paper Physics Semester VI 2021: Solid State Physics (New)



B. Sc. (VI Semester) Examination


Paper: PHY-362 (New Course)

(Solid State Physics)

Full Marks : 80

Pass Marks : 35%

Time : Three Hours

Note: 1. Attempt any eight questions, question No. 1 is compulsory.

2. Attempt seven questions from the rest. All questions have equal marks.

1. (a) What are the translation vectors in crystal? 2

(b) Define cohesive energy. 2

(c) Plot the variation of energy and wave vector (E-k diagram) of an electron in periodic potential. 2

(d) Plot the variation of specific heat with temperature for a superconductor. 2

(e) What do you mean by persistent current? 2

2. (a) What do you mean by packing fraction in crystals? Calculate the packing fraction of a body centred cubic lattice (BCC) 2+4= 6

(b) Explain the evolution of hexagonal closed pack structure. 4

3. (a) Describe Bragg’s treatment for interpreting Xdiffraction from crystal planes. From Bragg’s condition prove that X-rays are suitable electromagnetic waves to observe diffraction pattern from crystals. 4+2= 6

(b) Define Miller indices. Find out the Miller indices of a plane that cuts x, y, z axes at 4, 2, 1 units and draw the corresponding plane. 2+2= 4

4. (a) A beam of X-ray of wavelength 0.071 nm is diffracted by (110) plane of rock salt with lattice constant 0.28 nm. Find out the glancing angle for the 2nd order diffraction pattern. 4

(b) Explain how van der Waal bonding can be formed in inert gases. 2+4= 6

5. (a) Write four basic assumptions of free electron theory. Write two merits and demerits of this theory. 4+2= 6

(b) The density of Ag is 10.5 x 103 kg/m3. The atomic weight of Ag is 107.9. Assuming each Ag atom provides one conduction electron, calculate the density of the electrons. Find out the mobility of the electrons in Ag if conductivity at 200 C is 6.8 x 107 ohm-1m-12+2= 4

6. (a) What is diamagnetism? Why diamagnetic materials exhibit negative susceptibility? 2+3= 5

(b) Discuss the origin of domain structure under the light of energy minimization concept. 5

7. (a) State two hypothesis of Weiss theory of ferromagnetism. 5

(b) DY3+ has outer electronic configuration of 4f96s0 with 5 unpaired electrons. Calculate the magnetic susceptibility for a salt containing 1 kg.mole of DY3+ ions at 300 K. 5

8. (a) Write any three main characteristics of superconductors. What are soft and hard superconductors? State the advantage of hard superconductors over soft one. 3+2+1= 6

(b) For a specimen of V3Ga, the critical fields are respectively 1.4 x 105 and 4.2 x 105 A/m for 14 K and 13 K. Calculate the transition temperature and critical field at OK. 4

9. (a) How Debye’s Model of specific heat is more acceptable over Einstein’s theory. 4

(b) Establish the dispersion relation for one dimension monoatomic lattice. 6

10. (a) What do you mean by acoustic and optical modes of vibration for one dimensional diatomic lattice vibration? What is the significance of the forbidden gap in the dispersion relation in this case? 4

(b) What are the superconductors? Write the Meissner effect in superconductor. 6

11. Write short notes on any two: 5x2= 10

(a) Wiedemann-Franz Law

(b) Extrinsic semiconductor

(c) Bohr magneton

(d) Coherence length

(e) Phonons

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