RGU Question Paper Physics Semester IV 2021: Modern Physics (Old)


B. Sc. (IV Semester) Examination


Paper: PHY-241 (Old Course)

Modern Physics (Atomic and Nuclear Physics and Special Theory of Relativity)

Full Marks : 60

Pass Marks : 35%

Time : Two Hours

Note: 1. Students have to attempt Q No. 1 and any other three questions from Section A.

2. Students have to attempt any one question from Section B.

Section - A

(Atomic and Nuclear Physics)

1. Answer the following questions (2x5=10)

(a) What is the main limitation of Rutherford model?

(b) Write properties of positive ray.

(c) How the radius of nuclei depends on mass number?

(d) What is a positron?

(e) Why it became difficult to detect neutrino?

2. Describe Millikan oil drop experiment to determine charge of electron. 10

3. What conclusions can be drawn from –

(a) Binding energy graph. Why energy released in fusion in much higher than the fission reaction. 5

(b) Derive radioactive disintegration equation. 5

4. (a) Mention different types of Beta Decay and explain their mechanism. 5

(b) Describe the principle, construction and working of nuclear reactor. 5

5. Write short note on any two - (5x2=10)

(a) Bain bridge mass spectrograph

(b) Frank-Hertz experiment

(c) Geiger-Nuttal Law

Section – B

(Special Theory of Relativity)

6. Describe Michelson-Morley experiment and explain its significance. 10

7. Derive Lorentz transformation equation and explain time dilatation from this. 10

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