RGU Question Paper History Semester VI 2021: History of U.S.A (1776-1945) (Old)

June -2021

B.A (VI Semester) Examination


History of U.S.A (1776-1945)

Paper : BHIS-621 (O/C)

Full Marks : 80

Pass Marks : 35%

Time : Three Hours

Notes: (i) Answer all questions

(ii) The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.

Section – I

1. Answer any five question : 2x5= 10

a) What caused the Boston Tea Party?

b) What was the Whiskey Rebellion?

c) Who introduced Monroe Doctrine and when?

d) Who assassinated Abraham Lincoln?

e) Write the name of two progressive U.S. President?

Section – II

2. Answer any four question : 4x5= 20

a) Write a short note on Monroe Doctrine.

b) What do you understand by Open Door Policy?

c) Briefly discuss the foreign policy of Theodore Roosevelt.

d) Write a note on Dollar diplomacy.

e) What was the immediate cause of Great Depression?

Section – II

3. Answer any five descriptive answers from the following question : 10x5= 50

a) Discuss the causes of the American Revolution.

b) Trace the domestic and foreign policy of George Washington.

c) Examine the various policies taken during Jefferson’s administration.

d) The Civil War of 1861-65 was not caused by any single factor rather it was the combination of a number of factors.Comment.

e) Why Abraham Lincoln is considered as one of the greatest Presidents in the history of the United State? Explain.

f) What do you understand by ‘Reconstruction’? Examine in brief about the Congressional Reconstruction Plans for.

g) Relief, Recovery and Reforms were the three great aims of the New Deal of Franklin D. Roosevelt. Examine.

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