RGU Question Paper History Semester VI 2021: Historiography (New)

 June – 2021

B.A. (VI Semester) Examination


Paper : BHIS-622 (New Course)


Full Marks : 80

Pass Marks : 35%

Time : Three Hours

Notes : (i) Answer all questions.

(ii) The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.


Answer the following questions 2X5= 10

1. What do you understand by the term, History?

2. Mention two Major Works of Tacitus?

3. Who wrote the book, Kitab-ul-Hind?

4. Who said, History is a science, no less and no more.

5. Who is the father of Modern Historiography?


Answer any four of the following questions: 5X4= 20

1. What are the basic characteristics of Positivism?

2. How did Thucydides approach the study of History?

3. Discuss the contribution of the Ibn Khaldun to Medieval Islamic historiography.

4. Who was Marc Bloch and what was the most significant contribution?

5. Briefly outline the contribution of Jadunath Sarkar to Modern India historiography?


Answer any five of the following questions: 10X5= 50

1. Discuss the Primary and Secondary sources in History.

2. Discuss the relationship between History and Political Science.

3. Assess the contribution of Kalhana to Ancient historiography.

4. Discuss the contribution of St. Augustine to Christian Historiography.

5. Examine the contribution of Leopold Von Ranke to Modern Historiography.

6. Discuss the contribution of D D Kosambi to Modern India Historiography.

7. Give an account of Ranajit Guha’s approach in studying ‘Subaltern class’?

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