RGU Question Paper History Semester VI 2020: History of U.S.A (1776-1945)


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BA (VI Semester) Examination


Paper : BHIS–621

[ History of USA (1776–1945) ]

Full Marks : 80

Pass Marks : 35%

Time : Three Hours  

 Note : 1. Answer all questions full marks for the questions.

2. The figures in the margin indicate 


Answer any five of the following questions : 2×5=10

1. Who helped the American colonies in the War of Independence? What do you mean by Embargo Act of 1807?

2. What was the Dred Scott decision of 1857?

3. Thomas Jefferson oversaw acquisition of the vast Louisiana territory form France in 1803 and sent out which expedition in 1804?

4. Which State of the Union Seceded first?

5. What was the ‘harpers ferry’ incident?

6. Which acts defence by William Taft alienated many Republicans?

7. Which action prompted the United States to enter World War II?


Answer any four of the following questions : 5×4=20

8. Discuss the significance of the American War of Independence.

9. Write a note on the First Continental Congress.

10. What is Big Stick Diplomacy?

11. Write a short note on Federal Reserve Act of 1913.

12. Write in brief about the Anti-Trust Legislation of 1914.

13. Write a short note on Platt Amendment.

14. What do you know about New Deal of Franklin.D. Roosevelt?


Answer any five of the following questions : 10×5=50

15. Examine the life and career of George Washington.

16. Discuss the main purpose and significance of Monroe Doctrine.

17. The Civil War of 1861–65 was not caused by any single factor, it was the combination of a number of factors. Comment.

18. Form an estimate of the measures of Theodore Roosevelt to regulate big business.

19. Analyze the different policies of William Howard Taft as President of United States.

20. Critically evaluate Woodrow Wilson’s role in World War I and the peace settlement.

21. Discuss the factors which responsible for the rise of United States as an imperialistic power.

22. Discuss the causes and significance of Spanish-American War.

23. How did the Roosevelt administration deal with Great Depression?

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