RGU Question Paper History Semester VI 2020: History of Modern Europe (1789-1945)


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BA (VI Semester) Examination


Paper : BHIS–610

[ History of Modern Europe (1789–1945 CE) ]

Full Marks : 80

Pass Marks : 35%

Time : Three Hours

Note : 1. Answer all questions.

2. The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.


Answer any five of the following questions : 2×5=10

1. When was the Battle of Waterloo fought? What was its outcome?

2. What was the primary concern Concert of Europe?

3. Who were the Jacobins?

4. What was the Carbonary society?

5. When was the League of Nations formed and why?

6. Define Fascism.

7. Which event force USA to enter the Second World War?


Answer any four of the following questions : 5×4=20

8. Briefly discuss the role of philosophers in the French Revolution of 1789.

9. Write a note on the Napoleonic Code.

10. What was the Holy Alliance? Discuss its workings.

11. Discuss the role of Garibaldi in the Unification of Italy.

12. How did Hitler violate the provisions of the Treaty of Versailles?

13. Examine the principles of Fascism.

14. Discuss the main principles of Nazism.


Answer any five of the following questions : 10×5=50

15. Discuss the policy of ‘continental blockade’ of Napoleon Bonaparte.

16. Discuss the causes for the downfall of Napoleon Bonaparte.

17. Critically examine the principles and working of the Congress of Vienna.

18. Discuss the effects of the Revolutions of 1848.

19. Discuss the contributions of Mazzini and Count Cavour in the Unification of Italy.

20. How far were the Secret Alliances responsible for the outbreak of the First World War? Justify your answer.

21. Discuss the structure of the League of Nations.

22. What were the factors which led to the rise of Fascism under Mussolini?

23. What were the effects of the Second World War?

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