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BA (VI Semester) Examination
Paper : BGEO–615 (Old Course)
( Political Geography )
Full Marks : 80
Pass Marks : 35%
Time : Three Hours
Note : 1. Answer all questions.
2. The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.
I. Explain any five of the following : 2×5=10
(a) Concept of State
(b) Core area
(c) Buffer State
(d) Border trade
(e) Extraterritoriality
(f) Geostrategy
(g) Boundary
II. Answer any four of the following : 5×4=20
(a) Explain the nature of Political Geography.
(b) Describe the concept of State.
(c) Differentiate Rimland theory from Heartland theory.
(d) Examine the importance of size of State with suitable examples.
(e) Briefly explain the concept of Border trade.
(f) Discuss the concept of Ethnic Nationalism.
III. Answer any five of the following : 10×5=50
(a) Discuss in detail the developments in Political Geography.
(b) Critically evaluate the Rimland theory in Political Geography.
(c) Explain the concept of Nation-State with suitable examples.
(d) What is Boundary? Explain the types of boundaries with suitable examples.
(e) Examine the importance of Border trade in Geopolitics.
(f) Discuss in detail the concept of Organic State.
(g) Describe the concept of Frontiers.