RGU Question Paper Geography Semester VI 2020: Political Geography (New)

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BA (VI Semester) Examination


Paper : GEOGCT–362 (Optional) (New Course)

( Political Geography )

Full Marks : 80

Pass Marks : 35%

Time : Three Hours

Note : 1. Answer all questions.

2. The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.

3. Maps and diagrams carry weightage in answer.

I. Write short notes on any four of the following : 4×4=16

(a) Nature of Political Geography

(b) Electoral Geography

(c) Concept of frontier and boundary

(d) Geopolitics

(e) Functional school

(f) Concept of State and Nation

(g) Contribution of Ratzel

(h) Concept of territory

II. Answer any two of the following : 8×2=16

(a) Discuss in brief theoretical contribution of Spencer in Political Geography.

(b) Explain the various factors influencing voting pattern in a State Electoral process.

(c) Discuss the major contribution of landscape school in Political Geography with reference to expression of security.

(d) Discuss the geostrategic views of MacKinder with emphasis on modified Heartland theory.

(e) Discuss geopolitical significance of Indian Ocean.

(f) Define International boundary and discuss India’s relationship with its neighbours.

(g) Discuss the basis of classification of geopolitical regions of the world with suitable examples.

III. Answer any two of the following : 8×2=16

(a) Discuss the nature and scope of Electoral Geography.

(b) Explain geopolitical significance of location of North-East India.

(c) Discuss the focus of global geopolitics in post-World War II.

(d) Discuss main approaches to the study of Political Geography and explain any one of them in detail.

(e) Discuss variants of the Heartland theory propounded by MacKinder and its relevance in present context.

(f) Explain functional approach in political geography and highlight the application of the State-idea in political geography.

IV. Answer any four of the following : 8×4=32

(a) Discuss in detail theoretical contribution of Hartshorne in Political Geography.

(b) Explain Nation and State in geographical perspective with main focus on Nation-building.

(c) Discuss the major contribution of Schafer in Political Geography.

(d) Explain the place of electoral studies in political geography.

(e) Discuss geostrategic views of Spykman and highlight its contemporary relevance.

(f) Explain the major aspects of geography of representation with suitable examples.

(g) Explain the distinction between Frontiers and Boundaries and mention important system of classification of International boundaries.

(h) Discuss the major concerns of spatial relationship in Geopolitik.

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