RGU Question Paper Geography Semester IV 2020: Geography of India (Old)


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BA (IV Semester) Examination


Paper : BGEO–404 (Old Course)

( Geography of India )

Full Marks : 80

Pass Marks : 35%

Time : Three Hours

Note : 1. Answer all questions.

2. The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.

1. Answer/Write notes on any five of the following : 2×5=10

(a) Name the physiographic units into which India can be divided at the macro-level.

(b) What does the word ‘monsoon’ imply?

(c) Trends of Indian population growth

(d) Subsistence farming

(e) Solar energy

(f) Modes of transportations

(g) Hydro-power potential in Arunachal Pradesh

(h) Natural vegetation classification in India

2. Answer any four questions from the following : 5×4=20

(a) Give an account of the relief features of the Deccan Plateau.

(b) Discuss in brief the mechanism of the Indian monsoon.

(c) Mention the major characteristic features of Indian agriculture.

(d) Discuss the various problems due to increasing population in India.

(e) Explain the locational factors influencing cotton-textile industries in India.

(f) Give an account of the development and prospects of iron and steel industry in India.

(g) Discuss the spatial distribution of coal with the help of map.

3. Answer any five questions from the following : 10×5=50

(a) Write an essay on population distribution in India pointing out geographical factors influencing the same.

(b) Describe the major soil types of India.

(c) Mention the geographical conditions required for rice cultivation and explain its spatial distribution in India.

(d) Describe the distribution of petroleum in India and highlight its future prospects.

(e) Describe the various types of vegetation and its distribution in India.

(f) Describe the distribution of manganese ore in India.

(g) Discuss the distribution and production of tea cultivation in India.

(h) Explain in detail the location and distribution of petrochemical industry in India with the help of map.

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