June -2021
B.A (II Semester) Examination
Human Geography
Full Marks : 56
Pass Marks : 35%
Time : Three Hours
Notes: (i) Answer all questions
(ii) The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.
Section - A
1. Write any four of the following: 4x4=16
a) Explain the nature of Human Geography
b) Discuss in brief the Determinism and possibilism.
c) Concept of Race.
d) Concept of Cultural Realms.
e) Cultural diversity of N.E. India.
f) Explain the various elements of geographical environment.
Section –B
2. Answer the following questions: 10x4 = 40
a) Discuss the scope and development of Human Geography.
Discuss the contribution of Carl Ritter in the development of Human Geography.
b) Explain the major races with their physical traits and Global distribution.
Discuss the physical characteristics and global distribution of Mongoloid race.
c) Describe the major cultural Realms of the world. Support your answer with illustration.
Explain in detail the Occidental and Oriental cultural Realms of the World. Support your answer with
d) Explain the mode of Human Adjustment / adaptation to the desert. Environment.
Explain the mode of Human Adaptation to the Mountain Environment with reference to Arunachal Pradesh.