RGU Question Paper English Semester IV 2021: Skill Based Course


B.A. (IV Semester) Examination


Paper: BSBC-404(C)

(Skill Based Course in English)

Full Marks : 80

Pass Marks : 35%

Time : Three Hours

Notes: (i) Answer all questions.

(ii) The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the Questions.


1. Transcribe the following with stress marks as applicable (Any four) (2x4=8)

Attempt, cake, women, fight, name, prince, dictate

2. You have been asked to escort a team of 30 students (both boys and girls) to Delhi for educational excursion during the summer vacation for which you need to book sufficient number of rooms in a hotel in advance. Draft a telephonic conversation that takes place between you and the hotel manager in about 400 words.    (8)


3. Write an article in about 600 words on ‘Tourism in Arunachal Pradesh’ to be published in a newspaper.      (16)


The table below gives information about underground railway systems in six cities of the world. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant in about 400 words.      (16)


4. Write a notice informing all students to attend a meeting on 15th of May 2021 at 3.00 PM in your college auditorium to discuss various issues related to Educational Excursion, 2021 during the summer vacation. (8)


The College Day Celebrations, 2021 will be held in a grand way by inviting the Hon’ble Chief Minister of the State. Prepare the minutes of the meeting held under the Chairmanship of your Principal in about 400 words. (8)

5. Prepare an agenda for the Inaugural function of your College Day Celebrations, 2021. (8)


As the General Secretary of your college, write a memorandum to be submitted to the Minister of Education of Arunachal Pradesh highlighting key demands such as posting of more faculty members in all departments, construction of classrooms with modern facilities, hostels for boys and girls. Sign as General Secretary XYZ College. (8)


6. Due to non-engagement of the traffic police in your area, a large number of young boys and girls lose their life in road accidents every year. Write a report on reckless driving and the role of Traffic Police to be published in the Arunachal Times. (8)


Write an e-mail to manager.paharganj123@sbi.co.in requesting him to allow you to make the payment of your home loan interest only during the construction period of your house stating reasons. Use your id. vprakash1450@gmail.com

7. Edit and rewrite the following by understanding the edited parts: (8)

Elections makes people the real master. They welcome if hold at regular interval. If impose frequent they becomes a headache. Multiparty system has made a mock of democracy. Facture parliament or the assembly led to a coalition government. Alliance partner pull in different direction.


Write a C.V. with a covering letter to be submitted to the Principal of Kendriya Vidyalaya, Naharlagun for the post of PRT in English. (8)


8. Write a poem on the theme of COVID-19. (16)


Write a story using the following outline: (16)

A young man setting out an journey accompanied part way by an old man- they rest under a papal tree- young man asks old man to keep Rs.500 for him till he returns- old man agrees and takes money- old man says he never gave him any money to keep young man takes him before judge- Judge sends young man to summon tree to court- A long time away- Judge asks old man, “Why?- Old man says tree is long way off- Judge sees that the old man knows which tree it is – when young man returns, Judge gives verdict in his favour.

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