RGU Question Paper Education Semester II 2020: Indian Education and Its Problems



BA (II Semester) Examination


Paper : BEDU–202

( Indian Education and its Problems )

Full Marks : 80

Pass Marks : 35%

Time : Three Hours

Note : 1. Answer all questions.

2. The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.

1. Answer any five questions of the following : 2×5=10

(a) What were the main subjects included in the curriculum of Gurukul system?

(b) What is meant by ‘Bismillah’ in Muslim system of Education?

(c) When was the Sadler Commission appointed and who was the Chairman of this commission?

(d) Name the Article of the Indian Constitution that makes provision for free and compulsory education.

(e) Write the full form of KGBVS.

(f) Which Commission recommended for the establishment of present UGC (University Grants Commission)?

(g) What is Pabbajja?

(h) What is meant by NLM?

2. Answer any four questions of the following : 5×4=20

(a) Discuss briefly the system of admission during the Gurukul system of Education.

(b) Explain any five major recommendations of the Hunter Commission.

(c) Write down the important recommendations of the National Policy on Education (NPE 1986).

(d) State the basic features of SSA.

(e) Discuss briefly the strategies of reform undertaken in higher and technical education in the XI Five-Year Plan.

(f) Explain some important recommendations of the University Education Commission (1948-49).

(g) Write down the basic features of RMSA.

(h) Explain the recent constitutional provision made for education in India.

(i) Describe the organizational structure of Muslim System of Education in India.

3. Answer any five questions of the following : 10×5=50

(a) Explain the salient features of Buddhist system of Education.

(b) Discuss the major recommendations of Wood’s Despatch (1854).

(c) Discuss the recommendations of Curzon’s Education Policy.

(d) Explain the recommendations of Kothari Commission (1964–66).

(e) Discuss the background and features of the Right to Education Act, 2009.

(f) What is meant by NAEP? Explain its salient features.

(g) Explain the salient features of the Gurukul system of Education.

(h) Discuss the development of primary and secondary education during the XII Five-Year Plan.

(i) Elaborate the educational development taken place in Arunachal Pradesh.

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