RGU Question Paper Economics Semester VI 2021: Development Economics


B.A. (VI Semester) Examination


Paper: BECO-610

(Development Economics)

Full Marks : 80

Pass Marks : 35%

Time : Three Hours

Notes: (i) Answer all questions.

(ii) The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.


1. Answer the following questions: 2x5=10

(a) Define indicative planning.

(b) What do you understand by income gap in poverty measurement?

(c) Differentiate between innovation and invention.

(d) What is social overhead capital in Hirschman’s strategy of unbalanced growth?

(e) What is Human Development Index?


2. Answer any four of the following questions: 5x4=20

(a) Explain Domar’s model of economic growth.

(b) Identify the factors which can measure economic development?

(c) Discuss Lewis model of unlimited supply of labour in economic development.

(d) Explain the components of human capital formation.

(e) Define planning; what is the importance of economic planning in economic development?

(f) Explain what do you mean by embodied technical change.


3. Answer any five of the following questions: 10x5=50

(a) Discuss Schumpeter’s theory of economic development.

(b) What are the determinants of economic development? Discuss its obstacles.

(c) Identify the different stages of demographic transition and explain its characteristic features.

(d) Explain Mahalanobis two sector model of economic development.

(e) Explain the construction of three composite indices of human development index.

(f) Elucidate the similarities and differences between Harrod and Domer model of economic development.

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