RGU Question Paper Commerce Semester VI 2021: Management Accounting (New)

June – 2021

B.Com. (VI Semester) Examination


Paper: BCM-602 (Gr-C) (New Course)

(Management Accounting)

Full Marks : 80

Pass Marks : 35%

Time : Three Hours

Notes: (i) Answer all questions as per the instructions given in each section.

(ii) The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.


1. Answer all questions from the following: 2X5= 10

a) Define the term Management Accounting.

b) What do you mean by Standard Costing?

c) What do you mean by Margin of Safety?

d) Distinguish between Budget and Budgeting?

e) What do you mean by variance?


2. Answer any four of the following questions: 5X4= 20

a) Distinguish between Financial Accounting and Management Accounting

b) Classify the ratios on the basis of Statements, users and functions.

c) Write a note on zero base Budgeting.

d) Discuss the nature and scope of Management Accounting in brief.

e) What do you mean by Ratio? Discuss the limitations of Ratio analysis.

f) Distinguish between Standard Cost and Historical Cost.

g) Write a note on ‘Types of Budgets’.


3. Answer any five of the following questions:  10X5= 50

a) (i) The sales turn over a Project during the two years were as follows:

                                           Sales (Rs.)                    Profit (Rs)

Ist year                             Rs. 2 Lakh                    Rs. 20,000

IInd year                          Rs. 3 Lakh                   Rs. 40,000

Calculate                                 (i) P/V ratio.

                                                   (ii) Fixed cost.

 (ii) Sales 10000 units @ Rs. 25 per unit.

Variable cost Rs. 15 per unit.

Fixed cost Rs. 100,000

Find out the             (i) B.E.P

                                     (ii) Required sales for

costing a project of Rs. 50,000/-

b) From the following details find out

(a) Current Assets.

(b) Current Liabilities.

(c) Liquid Assets.

(d) Stock.

Current Ratio: 3.5

Liquid Ratio : 2.5

Working Capital Rs. 100000/-

c) XYZ Ltd wishes to arrange overdraft facilities with its Bankers during the period April to June, 2021 when it will be manufacturing most for stock. Prepare a cash Budget for the above period from the following date:

Months               Sales             Purchase            Wages

February            180,000         124800                 12000

March                  192000          144000                14000

April                     108000          243000               11000

May                      174000           246000               10000

June                    126000            268000               15000

i) 50% of Credit Sales are realized in the month of following sales and remaining 50% in the second month following.

ii) Credits are paid in the month of following the month of purchase.

iii) Assume all sales and purchases are made on credit.

iv) Wages are paid on the first very next month.

v) Cash at bank on 01.04.2021 Rs. 25,000.

d) Calculate            (i) Material Cost Variance (MCV)

                                  (ii) Material Price Variance (MPV)

                                  (iii) Material Mix Variance (MMV)

From the following Information:-

Material                   Standard                                        Actual

A                        90 Units @ Rs. 12 each               100 Units @ Rs. 12 each

B                        60 Units @ Rs. 15 each               50 Units@ Rs. 16 each

e) Define Budgetary Control. What are the advantages and limitation of Budgetary Control?

f) What do you mean by Break Even Chart? Construct a Break Even Chart with imaginary figures.

g) The expenses budgeted for Production of 10000 units in a factory are given below:-

Material                                                               - Rs. 70 per unit.

Labour                                                                  - Rs. 25 per unit

Variable Overhead                                             - Rs. 20 per unit.

Fixed overhead (Rs. 100000)                           - Rs. 10 per unit.

Variable overhead (Direct)                               - Rs. 5 per unit.

Selling expenses (10% fixed)                            - Rs. 13 per Unit.

Administration expenses (Rs.5000)               – Rs. 5 per Unit (Fixed)

Distribution Expenses (20% fixed)                  -Rs. 7 per unit.


                                                                                 Rs. 155 per Unit

Prepare a budget of the Production

(a) 8000 Units

(b) 6000 Units.

Assume that the Administration expenses are rigid for all

level of production.

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