RGU Question Paper Commerce Semester IV 2021: Indian Economy (Old)

June – 2021

B.Com (IV Semester) Examination


Paper: BCM – 404 (Old Course)

(Indian Economy)

Full Marks : 80

Pass Marks : 35%

Time : Three Hours

Notes: (i) Answer as per instruction in each Section.

(ii) The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.


1. Answer the following questions: 2x5=10

a) What is economic planning?

b) What is Sustainable Development?

c) What is globalization?

d) What do you mean by regional planning?

e) What is a Service Sector?


2. Answer any four questions from the following: 5x4=20

a) State the problem faced by agriculture sector in Indian Economy

b) Distinguish between economic growth and economic development.

c) Write short note on nature of Indian Economy.

d) Discuss the thrust areas of Industrial Policy 1991.

e) Discuss the role of economic factors in economic development.

f) State the contribution of service sector in Indian Economy.


3. Answer any five questions from the following: 10x5=50

a) What is Balanced regional development? Discuss the importance of Indian Economy.

b) Discuss the measure undertaken to liberalize Indian Economy.

c) Explain the role of Information and Communication Technology in the economic development of India.

d) Discuss the objectives of Economic Planning in India.

e) Discuss the 12th Five Year Plan in detail.

f) Discuss the component of various Industrial Policies in India.

g) Explain the significance of econo0mic Planning in the development of Indian economy.

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