RGU Question Paper Commerce Semester IV 2021: Human Resource Management (New)


B.Com. (IV Semester) Examination


Paper : BCM-402 (New Course)

(Human Resource Management)

Full Marks : 80

Pass Marks : 35%

Time : Three Hours

Notes: (i) Answer all questions.

(ii) The figures in the right margin indicate full marks for the questions.


1. Answer the following questions: (2X5=10)

(a) Define the term HRM.

(b) What is placement?

(c) What do you meant by on the job training?

(d) Explain the term ‘Retrenchment’.

(e) Give two benefits of induction offers.


2. Answer any four of the following questions:(5X4=20)

(a) Trace out the evolution and development of HRM in Indian context.

(b) Outline the process involved in job analysis.

(c) Highlight the recruitment practice followed in India.

(d) Define demotion. Explain the reasons for demotion.

(e) State the steps involved in performance appraisal.

(f) Discuss the various types of employee separation.


3. Answer any five of the following questions: (5X10=50)

(a) Define human resource planning and differentiate it from manpower planning.

(b) Explain the techniques/methods used for job design.

(c) Define selection. Describe the need for scientific selection.

(d) Define training. Distinguish between training, development and education.

(e) What is meant by employee promotion? Justify the need for employee promotion.

(f) Elaborate the concept and importance of performance appraisal.

(g) Bring out the factors that affect job description. Distinguish between job description and job specification.

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