RGU Question Paper Commerce Semester IV 2021: Banking and Insurance (Old)

June – 2021

B.Com (IV Semester) Examination


Paper: BCM – 403 (Old Course)

(Banking and Insurance)

Full Marks : 80

Pass Marks : 35%

Time : Three Hours

Notes: (i) Answer as per instruction in each Section.

(ii) The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.


1. Answer the following questions: 2x5=10

a) State three objectives of the Reserve Bank of India.

b) Describe three major characteristics of a commercial bank.

c) Differentiate a commercial and Regional Rural Bank.

d) State three purposes of insurance

e) Define public sector bank.


2. Answer any four questions from the following: 5x4=20

a) Differentiate co-operative banks and commercial banks.

b) Discuss the reasons for nationalization of banks in India.

c) Discuss the essential features of an insurance contract.

d) What are the types of non-life insurance?

e) What are the advantages of life insurance?

f) Write a short note on “Credit option by banks”


3. Answer any five questions from the following: 10x5=50

a) Elucidate the role of co-operative banks.

b) Elaborate the functions of Regional Rural Banks (RRBs)

c) Describe the structure of Indian Banking System.

d) Reserve Bank of India is a Banker’s Bank – Elucidate the statement.

e) What is fire insurance? Elaborate its importance and features.

f) Discuss the importance of monetary policy of an economy

g) Briefly explain the role of insurance sector in developing business activities in India with examples.

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