RGU Question Paper Commerce Semester II 2021: Principles of Management


B.Com. (2nd Semester) Examination


Paper: BCM-204(New Course)

Principles of Management

Full Marks : 80

Pass Marks : 35%

Time : Three Hours

Notes: (i) Answer all questions

(ii) The figures in the right margin indicate full marks for the questions.


1. Answer the following questions: (2X5=10)

(a) What is controlling?

(b) Define coordination

(c) Explain delegation.

(d) What is strategy?

(e) What is meant by administration?


2. Answer any four questions: (5x4=20)

a) Discuss differences between administration and management?

b) What is planning? Is it important in business? Give reasons for your answer.

c) Explain span of control with suitable examples.

d) What are important modes of communication in a business?

e) Explain the role of performance evolution in business management.

f) Write a note on Administrative Management Theory by Henri Fayol.


I. Answer any five questions: (10x5=50)

(a) Define controlling. What are the essential features of a good controlling system?

(b) What are important steps in MBO? Describe with examples.

(c) What are objectives of planning? Why it is important for a business.

(d) Explain briefly Taylor’s scientific management.

(e) Define Leadership. Discuss various leadership styles?

(f) What are important objectives of management?

(g) What is organizing? Why is it important to management?

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