RGU Question Paper Zoology Semester VI 2020: Biodiversity and Conservation Biology



B.Sc (VI Semester) Examination


Paper : ZOO/T6/362

( Biodiversity and Conservation Biology )

Full Marks : 80

Pass Marks : 35%

Time : Three Hours

1. Answer the following questions : 2×5=10

(a) Name two biosphere reserves of North-East India.

(b) Differentiate between ecozones and biomes.

(c) Name two important greenhouse gases.

(d) Name two endangered animal species of Arunachal Pradesh.

(e) What do you mean by natality?

2. Answer any four of the following questions : 5×4=20

(a) Define biodiversity hot spots. Write down the important criteria for identifying hot spots.

(b) Briefly discuss about the various steps involved in the process of EIA.

(c) Write a short note on biodiversity of Arunachal Pradesh.

(d) Describe the different categories of heritage sites.

(e) Explain in detail about any megabiodiversity region of India citing its significance.

(f) Write a note on endemic flora and fauna of Arunachal Pradesh.

3. Answer any five from the following : 10×5=50

(a) Define biodiversity. Explain different levels of biodiversity with suitable example.

(b) Write a note on the Biodiversity Act, 2002.

(c) Define ecozone. Discuss in detail about the ecozones citing suitable examples.

(d) Discuss the impact of climate change on biodiversity.

(e) Give an account of Ramsar sites in North-East India.

(f) Discuss in brief about the Wild Life Protection Act, 1972.

(g) Describe protected area network in Arunachal Pradesh and its significance in conservation of biodiversity.

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