B.Sc III semester Examination (CBCS}
Paper: ZOO-GE-232
(Natural Resource Management)
Full Mark:s 80
Pass Marks 35%
Time: Three Hours
Note: 1. Answer the questions as per the instructions given in Sections-A, B and C respectively.
2. The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.
1. Write short notes on any four of the following: 5x4=20
- Carrying capacity
- Conventional fuel
- Ex-situ conservation
- Bioremediation
- Brundtland Report
- Wind energy
2. Answer any three of the following questions: 10×3=30
- Describe the various causes of air pollution and their effects.
- Discuss the importance of solar energy in the present-day context.
- Describe the methods used in prevention and control of eutrophi-cation.
- Discuss about the role of NGOs in sustainable development.
- Explain the significance of shrinking of glaciers in the present-day scenario.
3. Answer any two of the following questions : 15×2=30
- Describe the various factors which pose a threat to biodiversity.
- Discuss greenhouse effect and its impact on global warming.
- Explain the concept of 3Rs-reduce, reuse and recycle.
- Describe the Resolutions of Montreal.
- Protocol and Kyoto Protocol and their present relevance.