RGU Question Paper Mathematics Semester VI 2020: Hydrostatics and Mathematical Methods(Old)


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BSc (VI Semester) Examination


Paper : MATH–362 (Old Course)

( Hydrostatics and Mathematical Methods )

Full Marks : 80

Pass Marks : 35%

Time : Three Hours

Note : 1. Answer all questions.
2. The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.

1. Answer any five parts : 2×5=10

(a) Prove that Pn(1)=1

(b) Find the Laplace transform of e-t .

(c) Show that the homogeneous liquid will be in equilibrium only when the
system of forces is conservative.

(d) If f(s) is the Fourier transform of F(x), prove that the Fourier transform of
F'(x), the derivative of F(x), is {isf(s)}.

(e) State the principle of Archimedes. What is the centre of pressure?

(f) If L-1s2-1(s2+1)2=tcost, prove that

(g) Show that

Answer any four parts : 5×4=20

(a) Determine the necessary condition that must be satisfied by a given distribution of forces X,Y,Z so that the fluid may maintain equilibrium.

(b) If f(t) be a periodic function of period a, show that

(c) Find the sine Fourier transform of the function

(d) Show that the positions of equilibrium of a body floating in a homogeneous liquid are determined by drawing normal from G, the centre mass of the body, to the surface of buoyancy.

(e) If P0(cosθ)=1, show that

(f) Prove that

(g) Define meta-centre and metacentric height of a floating body. What do you mean by curves of floatation and curves of buoyancy?

(h) If n is non-negative, prove that

3. Answer any five parts : 10×5=50

(a) Derive the solution of Legendre’s equation by Frobenius method. 10

(b) (i) A right cone is totally immersed in water and the depth of the centre of its base being given. Prove that P,P',P'' being the resultant pressures in its convex
surface when the sines of the inclination of its axis to the horizontal are s,s',s'' respectively
P2(s'-s'')+P'2(s''-s)+P''2(s-s')=0 5

(ii) Prove that if the forces per unit of mass at (x,y,z) parallel to the axes are y(a-z),x(a-z),xy, the surfaces of equal pressure are hyperbolic paraboloids and the curves of equal pressure and density are rectangular hyperbolas. 5

(c) (i) Prove that for any +ve integer n
P2n+1(0)=0, P2n(0)=(-1)n(2n)!22n(n!)2   5

(ii) Express J4(x) in terms of Jand J1. 5

(d) (i) Express the function

as a Fourier integral. Hence evaluate

(ii) A solid cone is just immersed in water with a generating line in surface. Prove that the inclination to the vertical of the resultant thrust on the curved surface is

where 2α is the vertical angle of the cone. 5

(e) (i) Three fluids whose densities are in AP fill a semi-circular tube whose bounding diameter is horizontal. Prove that the depth of one of the common surfaces is double that of the other. 5

(ii) Prove that


(f) (i) Using Laplace transform method, solve


(ii) Using suitable Fourier transform, solve

if u(0,t)=u(4,t)=0, u(x,0)=2x is bounded. 5

(g) (i) A hemispherical bowl is filled with water and two vertical planes are drawn through its central radius, cutting off a semi-line of the surface. If 2α be the angle between the planes, prove that the angle, which the resultant pressure on the surface makes with the vertical, is


(ii) Prove that


(h) (i) For zeroth-order Bessel’s function, prove that


(ii) A solid cone of semi-vertical angle α, specific gravity σ, floats in equilibrium in the liquid of specific gravity ρ with its axis vertical and vertex downwards. Show that the equilibrium is stable, if


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