RGU Question Paper Mathematics Semester IV 2022: Algebra-II and Analysis-I


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B.Sc (IV Semester) Examination


Paper : MATH–241 (Old Course)

( Algebra—II and Analysis—I )

Full Marks : 80

Pass Marks : 35%

Time : Three Hours
Note : 1. Answer all questions.
2. The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.

1. Answer any five parts : 2×5=10
(a) Define binary operation. Explain it with a suitable example.

(b) Define odd and even permutations. Whether or not, the following is an even permutation?

(c) What do you mean by order of an element and order of a group?

(d) Define subring and ideal. What are the differences between an ideal and a subring? 

(e) Prove that the following function
is continuous but not differentiable at x=0.

(f) Define infimum and supremum. Find infimum and supremum of the
following set :
A={x| 1n<xn}
where n is an arbitrary natural number.

(g) Define sequence and series. What are the fundamental differences between a sequence and a series?

2. Answer any four parts : 5×4=20

(a) State Lagrange’s theorem for finite group. Prove that order of an element of a finite group divides the order of the group.

(b) Prove that the set of all 2×matrices over integers under matrix addition is an Abelian group.

(c) State and prove Cayley’s theorem of group.

(d) If A and B are two ideals of a ring R, then prove that A+B is also an ideal and A+B=AB .

(e) Define convergence of a sequence. Show that every convergent sequence is bounded.

(f) Prove that the series 1+12!+13!+..is convergent.

(g) State Rolle’s theorem. Explain it geometrically.

(h) Show that the function f(x)=x+x-1 xR is continuous but not derivable at x=and x=1.

3. Answer any five parts : 10×5=50

(a) (i) Prove that the function
f(x)=sin1xfor x00for x=0
is not uniformly continuous on [0,) . 5

(ii) Prove that if a function is continuous in a closed interval, then it is bounded therein. 5

(b) (i) State and prove Lagrange’s mean value theorem. 6

(ii) Show that the function f(x)=xis uniformly continuous on [-1,1] . Is it continuous also? 4

(c) Show that the set of all permutations Sn on a set of n-symbols form a group under permutation multiplication. What is the order of this group? List all elements of S3 and separate the even permutations of Sfrom odd permutations. 6+1+3=10

(d) State and prove Lagrange’s theorem of group. Is the converse of Lagrange’s theorem true? Show that the set of even integers is an ideal of the ring integer Z. 5+1+4=10

(e) (i) Define integral domain and field. Show that the ring of integers is an integral domain but not a field. 5

(ii) Define ring homomorphism. Prove that kernel of a ring homomorphism is an ideal. 5

(f) Let R[x] be the ring of polynomial of a ring R and suppose
are two non-zero polynomials of degrees n and m, respectively. Prove that—
(i) deg(f(x)+g(x))max{m,n}, provided f(x)+g(x)0;
(ii) if f(x)g(x)0, then deg(f(x)g(x))m+n;
(iii) if R is an integral domain, then deg(f(x)g(x))=m+n. 10

(g) Examine the convergence of the following series : 5+5=10
(i)1(log2)p+1(log3)p+...+1(logn)p+...for p>0

(h) Prove that a sequence {xn} is convergent if and only if for every Îµ>0, there exists a positive integer such that Sn+p-Sn<ε nand p1. Using it, show that the sequence {xn}, where xn=1+12+13+...+1n is not convergent. 7+3=10

(i) Test for convergence of the following sequences : 5+5=10
(i) xn=nn+1
(ii) xn=1+1nn

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