RGU Question Paper Mathematics Semester II 2020: Calculus & Differential Equations (New)


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BA/BSc (II Semester) Examination


Paper : MATH–121 (New Course)

( Calculus and Differential Equation )

Full Marks : 80

Pass Marks : 35%

Time : Three Hours

Note : 1. Answer all questions.
2. The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.

1. Answer any five questions of the following : 2×5=10 

(a) Find :
if y=(sinx)cosx+(cosx)sinx

(b) Evaluate :

(c) Explain the nodes and cusps with suitable diagrams.

(d) Find the differential equation of the family of curves
where A and B are arbitrary constants.

(e) Find the order and the degree of the following differential equations :
(i) d4xdt4+d2xdt2+dxdt5=et
(ii) y=xdydx+kdydx

(f) Find the complementary function for the differential equation

(g) Find the length of the circumference of the curve x2+y2=4.

2. Answer any four questions of the following : 5×4=20

(a) State and prove Leibniz’s theorem for successive differentiation.

(b) If y1/m+y-1/m=2x, prove that

(c) Find the equation of the tangent and the normal at the point t on the curve x=a(t+sint) and y=a(1-cost).

(d) Prove that the necessary and sufficient condition for the differential equation Mdx+Ndy=0, to be exact is
where M and N are functions of x and y.

(e) Write the necessary and sufficient condition for any point (x,y) to be a
multiple point. Examine the nature of the origin on the curve

(f) Show that the general solution of the Clairaut’s equation y=px+f(p) is y=cx+f(c), where c is an arbitrary constant.

(g) Solve the Lagrange’s equation y=2px+p2.

(h) Find the perimeter of the cardioid r=a(1-cosθ).

3. Answer any five questions of the following : 10×5=50

(a) Prove that the two solutions y1(xand y2(x) of the equation a0(x)y''(x)+a1(x)y'(x)+a2(x)y(x)=0, a0(x)0, x(a,b) are linearly dependent if and only if their Wronskian is identically zero. 10

(b) (i) If In=dndxnxnlogx, prove that In=nIn-1+(n-1)!.
Hence show that

(ii) Show that sinpq+cosqp attains a maximum when
θ=tan-1p/q. 5+5

(c) (i) Show that the semi-vertical angle of the cone of maximum volume and of given slant height is tan-12.

(ii) Evaluate :
limx0(1+x)1/x-ex.   5+5

(d) (i) Solve
by method of variation of parameters.

(ii) In the ellipse
show that the radius of curvature at an end of the major axis is equal to the semi-latus rectum of the ellipse. 5+5

(e) (i) Find the asymptotes of the curve

(ii) Let
Then prove that In=n-1nIn-2, where n is a positive integer.
Hence deduce that
In=n-1n·n-3n-2·n-5n-4···23when n is odd;n-1n·n-3n-2·n-5n-4···12·Ï€2when n is even.

(f) (i) Evaluate
by using reduction formulae.
(ii) Find the length of the asteroid x2/3+y2/3=a2/3. 5+5

(g) Solve the differential equations : 5+5
(i) p2+2pycotx=y2, where p=dydx
(ii) (D2+a2)y=secax, where D=ddx

(h) (i) Solve :
(ii) Test for exactness and solve the differential equation
(1+x2)y''+4xy'+2y=sec2x, y=0, y'=1
when x=0. 5+5

(i) Evaluate
using reduction formula. 10

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