RGU Question Paper Mathematics Semester I 2022: Calculus


BA/B.Sc (I Semester) Examination (CBCS)


Paper: MAT-CC-111

( Calculus)

Full Marks :80

Pass Marks :35%

Time :Three Hours

Note: 1. Answer the questions according to the instruction given in each Section.
2. The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.


1. Answer any four of the following questions: 5x4=20

(a) Determine
(b) Define tangent and normal of a curve with suitable diagram. Also write the equation to find the tangent and normal of a curve.

(c) Find the nth differential coefficient of cos(ax+b).

(d) Show that

does not exist.

(e) If y=(x2-1)n, then prove that

(f) Find the length of the curve

from x = 1 to x=2.


2. Answer any three of the following questions : 10x3=30

(a) State and prove Taylor's theorem for Lagrange's form of remainder. 10

(b) Trace the cycloid x = a(t + sint), y = a(1 + cost). 10

(c) (i) Find the values of a and b, if


(ii) Find the volume obtained by revolving the ellipse

about the x-axis. 5

(d) Find the asymptotes of the cubic curve

(e) (i) Find the equation of tangent and normal at any point (x, y) of the curve


(ii) Prove that the curvature of the circle x2+y2=a2 is constant. 5

Section - C 

3. Answer any two of the following questions: 15x2=30

(a) Expand the following by Maclaurin's series : 4+4+3+4=15

(b) (i) State and prove Leibnitz's theorem. 8

(ii) If y=tan-1(x), then show that

(c) (i) If 

discuss the continuity of f(x) at x=-1. If f(x) is not continuous, then redefine it, if possible. 8

(ii) Trace the curve


(d) (i) Find the volume of generated by the curve solid

(ii) Find the volume obtained by revolving the ellipse

about the x-axis. 8

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