RGU Question Paper Commerce Semester VI 2020: International Marketing (New)


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B.Com (VI Semester) Examination


Paper : BCM–603 (Gr–A) (New Course)

( International Marketing )

Full Marks : 80

Pass Marks : 35%

Time : Three Hours


1. Answer any five from the following questions : 2×5=10

(a) Define the concept of international marketing.

(b) State and explain two elements of international marketing environment.

(c) Briefly state two features of international products.

(d) State the two distribution strategies of international marketing.

(e) Define international communication mix.

(f) What is domestic marketing?

(g) Briefly explain standardization of international products.


2. Answer any four from the following questions : 5×4=20

(a) Describe the scope and challenges of international marketing in modern time.

(b) Explain the impact of ‘cultural environment’ on international marketing with suitable example.

(c) Explain the term ‘adaptation’ in international marketing.

(d) Describe briefly the ‘logistics support’ in international marketing.

(e) Explain the pricing strategies for international products.

(f) Describe the importance of ‘political relationship’ in international marketing.

(g) Distinguish between domestic marketing and international marketing.

(h) Describe the importance of ‘cultural similarity’ in international marketing.


3. Answer any five from the following questions : 10×5=50

(a) What is domestic marketing? How is domestic marketing upgraded to international marketing? Explain with suitable example.

(b) Discuss the various factors that influence international marketing.

(c) Discuss the stages of product life cycle of international products.

(d) What is foreign market entry mode? Discuss the different entry modes available in India in recent time.

(e) Discuss the advertising strategies adopted by Samsung Mobile Company for international marketing.

(f) Discuss the product mix of Apple Mobile Company.

(g) Explain briefly the basic difference of advertising and publicity in international marketing.

(h) What is PLC? Discuss the strategies of PLC in international market.

(i) Describe the influence of ‘political factors’ on international marketing.

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