RGU Question Paper Chemistry Semester IV 2020: Agriculture and Leather Chemistry


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BSc (IV Semester) Examination


( Skill-based Course )

Paper : SBCH–243

( Agriculture and Leather Chemistry )

Full Marks : 80

Pass Marks : 35%

Time : Three Hours

Note : 1. Answer all questions.
2. The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.

1. Answer any five of the following questions : 2×5=10

(a) What is hydrogenation of oil?

(b) Give the chemical formulae of Malathion and Parathion. What are their uses?

(c) What is white clay? What is its composition?

(d) Define iodine number of fat and oils.

(e) What do you mean by reclamation of soil?

(f) What are fungicides? Give one example.

(g) What do you mean by acidity of soil?

2. Answer any five of the following questions : 4×5=20

(a) How does soil become acidic or alkaline?

(b) What are NPK fertilizers? What are the importances of NPK fertilizers?

(c) What do you mean by enamelling? How and why is it done?

(d) What is Bordeaux mixture? Discuss its use.

(e) What is sodium lauryl benzene sulphonate? Draw its structure. Why is it better cleansing agent?

(f) Discuss the differences between soaps and detergents.

(g) What are the adverse effects of pesticides?

3. Answer any five of the following questions : 10×5=50

(a) What is soil? Discuss the genetic system of classification of soil. 2+8=10

(b) What is Portland cement? Write down the chemical reactions that take place in different temperature zones of rotary kiln. 2+8=10

(c) Define soap. How is it manufactured? Explain the cleansing action of soap. 10

(d) (i) What is nitrolim? How is it manufactured? Mention its use. 5
(ii) Write a short note on phosphate fertilizer. 5

(e) (i) Discuss the ill effects of pesticides. 5

(ii) What are the different types of insecticides? Discuss in brief. 5

(f) Write short notes on any two of the following : 5×2=10
(i) Soil texture
(ii) NPK fertilizer
(iii) Setting of cement

(g) Discuss the safety measures while using pesticides. 10

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