RGU Question Paper Botany Semester IV 2020: Mushroom Cultivation



BSc (IV Semester) Examination


( Skill-Based Course )

Paper : SBST–242 (Option–II)

( Mushroom Cultivation )

Full Marks : 80

Pass Marks : 35%

Time : Three Hours

Note : 1. Answer all questions.
2. The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.

I. Briefly explain the following (any five) : 2×5=10

(a) Cultivated mushroom

(b) BOD incubator

(c) Edible species of Pleurotus

(d) Mushroom poisoning

(e) Insect pests of mushroom

(f) Casing

(g) Pasteurization

(h) Mushroom substrate

II. Answer any four of the following : 5×4=20

(a) Write the nutritional potential of Pleurotus sp.

(b) Explain spawning techniques for Agaricus bisporus.

(c) Discuss the art of mushroom cooking.

(d) Describe the method of substrate preparation.

(e) Describe taxonomic characters of Volvariella.

(f) Write about the preparation of culture medium.

(g) Discuss the storage of fresh mushroom.

III. Answer any five of the following : 10×5=50

(a) What is autoclave? For what purpose it is used?

(b) Discuss the opportunities in mushroom cultivation in Arunachal Pradesh.

(c) Describe the compost preparation for Agaricus.

(d) What are the casing materials for Agaricus cultivation?

(e) Discuss the prospect of mushroom cultivation in Arunachal Pradesh.

(f) Discuss the use of spent mushroom substrate.

(g) Describe dry bubble and wet bubble diseases of mushrooms.

(h) Discuss the mineral content of Agaricus and Pleurotus.

(i) Explain the quantification of mushroom yield and biological efficiency.

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