RGU Question Paper Anthropology Semester IV 2020: Archaeological Anthropology



BA (IV Semester) Examination


Paper : BANT–404

( Archaeological Anthropology )

Full Marks : 80

Pass Marks : 35%

Time : Three Hours

1. Write short notes on any five of the following : 2×5=10

(a) Fluorine test

(b) Mesolithic period

(c) Relative dating method

(d) Sohan culture

(e) Jericho

(f) Daojali hading

(g) Potassium-argon dating

2. Answer any four of the following questions : 5×4=20

(a) Discuss the relationship of Archaeological Anthropology with allied subjects.

(b) Discuss what happened during the Holocene period.

(c) What is carbon dating and how does it work?

(d) What are the methods of relative dating?

(e) Discuss briefly some important features of Attirampakkam.

(f) Discuss how dendrochronology is done.

(g) Why is the Pleistocene epoch so important to human evolution?

(h) What were the tools used in Stone Age?

3. Answer any five of the following questions : 10×5=50

(a) Discuss the aims and scope of Archaeological Anthropology.

(b) Discuss the significance of Neolithic Age.

(c) What is the difference between relative and absolute dating methods?

(d) Discuss the major findings from Parsi Parlo.

(e) Discuss the difference between the Abbevillian and Acheulian industry.

(f) Discuss the human fossils associated with Abbevillian and Acheulian cultures.

(g) What is the importance of fertile crescent in the beginning of civilization?

(h) Why are Jericho and Jarmo considered as important Neolithic sites?

(i) Discuss some important Abbevillian sites of Europe.

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